The Gadget Story - The Story
The Court Case Of
Canada's Modern Day Lynching Of A Black Man
By Peel Regional Police
2006 - 2009 & Going
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Next Court

Sept. 1, 2009
10 A.M.

306 / 304

The Brampton Court House 7755 Hurontario Street
Brampton ON










Thrust into the Path of the Wrongfully Accused and the Wrongfully Convicted, on a path deeply groved by several well known names. Such names that come to the fore are: Guy Paul Morin, Steven Truscott, David Milgaard, and Rubin "Hurricane" Carter

In this present day, now comes the High Profile Court Case of Hugh V. Ford, a
nother case for the Wrongfully Accused that is being pushed through a Brampton Court Room with all eyes WIDE open. Although after an onslaught of perjured testimony and contradictory statements. The Canadian Courts now look to justify the incarceration of Hugh Ford, and Justify the conduct of the Peel Regional Police detailed within this blog.



Peel's Finest Gets.... -A Minus

It has already been discovered that the Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, controlled the Dancers ability to work within Brampton Strip Clubs.
By forcing the women from their jobs, and pressuring them into becoming "victims" for the Police. Several girls reported threats and insults against them if they were unwilling to comply.

Still today, several women have not been able to return to work in the Brampton strip clubs owned by Jon Sit (Pok Hon Sit)

To help make up their case, Peel Police Officers offered cash incentives for statements, and the prospect at having criminal charges dropped as an added bonus for the "victims" to participate.

Sadly, the men who have already walked down the road of the wrongfully accused and the wrongfully convicted, know these and similar tactics of their own Police Department, all too well.

Hugh Ford was arrested on September 22, 2006 at his home in Brampton Ontario, for allegedly uttering a false document. - for which he was never charged.

An article circulated through several newspapers was released on Oct 3rd, 2006.
One being from the Brampton Guardian written by Pam Douglass. The Reporter, had received information provided by Det. Randy Cowan #1195 of The Peel Regional Police, detailing the events and arrest. (The article can be downloaded here)

The 2006 article laid claims by Det. Randy Cowan #1195 that seven (7) girls were led from the strip club as a result of the 2 week investigation.

After 3 years none of the 7 Girls have been produced by the Peel Regional Police or the courts. All of the "Victims" noted below were generated by The Peel Regional Police weeks and months after the arrest of Hugh Ford, and after the newspaper article by published by Pam Douglass of The Brampton Guardian. (2006 Brampton Guardian Article)

Despite the multitude of conflicting and perjured statements of witnesses both civilian and officers involved, to date, one basic fact seems to remain stagnant and has been reiterated many times by all:

A discussion of the past that was linked to a Group of young boys, and the events that transpired in an oppressed neighborhood and an empty police cruiser in 1986.

The "Victims" generated by Peel Regional Police after Oct. 3rd 2006 (After The newsprint Article by Pam Douglass)

Darya Gunchenko

The GTA Prostitute who conspired with 3 pimps to murder Hugh Ford. Darya Gunchenko was authorized to return to work in the adult strip clubs by Peel Regional Police while still being a minor. After her admission of the murder plot and admitting to a kidnapping plot to which she also orchestrated with the same 3 pimps on young woman, no charges have been laid against her.
Nicole Zammit

Admits she was released from drug charges and was advised she could continue to sell drugs as long as she went along with Peel Regional Police Vice Unit to say Hugh Ford asked her to become a prostitute.
Rajni Parmar
Offered $20 Thousand Dollars by Cst. Jason Watson #1898 of Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Money to pay her rent as a result of being forced from working in the Cannonball Strip Club owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) and Authorization by Peel Police to return to work in the Brampton strip clubs after she gave a statement.

Trevor Mohammed

Trevor claims that Hugh Ford had stolen his tools, although the renovator had left them in the vacant house for 2 months, and disappearing without a word.

Lisa R. Manwarren
Peel Police Informant. A Prostitute working the Brampton, Caledon and Toronto Area. Lisa Manwarren was arrested for Bank Frauds, and has been waiting for the Hugh Ford case to end, in order for her charges to be dropped.

Trevor Mohammed



web stats script


September 22, 2006


Cst. Jason Watson 1898, Cst. Mike Viozzi 1897, Cst. Sean Gormley 2544, Det. Randy Cowan 1195, Cst. Mark Dapat 1919,
Darya Gunchenko, Rajni Parmar, Nicole Zammit, Pok Hon Sit (John Sit Owner of Brampton strip clubs),
Lisa Manwarren Peel Police Informant, Crown Council Aimee Goutier, Pam Douglass, Cst. David Lang, Cst. Kyle Binkley, Cst. Jason Schwartz


On September 22, 2006 Peel Regional Police Vice Unit officers conducted a search warrant execution at the home of Hugh Ford. The officers , Cst. Jason Watson, Det. Randy Cowan, Cst. Mike Viozzi, Cst. Sean Gormley, Cst. Mark Dapat, Cst Noonan.

The No-Knock Entry search warrant was obtained by Cst. Sean Gormley. Police officers involved acquired hydro workers uniforms from some hydro workers who were doing work in the neighborhood.

After knocking the front door, it was answered by Hugh Ford. The "hydro workers" reported they were doing work in the area, and asked if they could be able to gain access the back of the house, where apparently the hydro poles were.

Hugh Ford thinking this was an odd request did not accept that. He was then told that he was under arrest by the "hydro workers". A few other officer joined in, and a beating began on the man in the front foyer of his home.

Shortly after the arrest of Hugh Ford, He was taken to Peel Memorial Hospital. After the trip to the hospital he was back at Peel Regional Police Station 22 Division at 7750 Hurontario Street, Brampton Ontario. Where he was put on video and interviewed.

On The Take?

$15, 000. dollars (fifteen thousand dollars) that was in the home, went missing and never reported in the items seized by Cst. Mark Dapat.
"alleged" claims state that the money was taken by the Initial officers who were first on location at 76 Corby Crescent who had conducted the search of , the Ford house on the day of his arrest. Vice Officers seen in the photo above.

Hugh Ford After His Arrest

  A bail hearing was held and Hugh Ford was released on bail, much to the upset and anger of Peel Regional Police Vice Unit.


2006 - 2007

After the newsprint article dated October 3, 2006, Peel Regional Police Vice Unit officers make their way to see Darya Gunchenko, who is also know as Dasha to many friends in the GTA / West Toronto area, She also goes by the name, most familiar in the prostitution and adult entertainment world as : "April Carter"

On Oct 13 2006 Darya Gunchenko provided her first of two (2) Video statement to Peel Regional Police Vice Unit Officer Cst. Mark Dapat #1919, detailing the events in which she had come by the fake identification. She revealed how she had been sitting in a strip club and was approached by a man, her story rivaled that of a hollywood blockbuster movie.

October 2006
(Darya Gunchenko)


A few days later on October 17, 2006, Darya Gunchenko was back in the Peel Police station, this time with her mother, she was interviewed again by Cst. mark Dapat #1919, while her mother was being reviewed by Cst. Sean Gormley #2544.

Darya Gunchenko who expressed her deepest wishes not to have her mother involved in this whole affair, provided her second video statement on this occasion, and naming the accused "Hugh Ford" as the man who has sold her the ID and pimped her while she was living with her mother in Toronto in 2005, and claiming that the Hugh Ford counted condoms each night when he picked her up from the strip club that she worked. Darya Gunchenko left out the fact that she had plotted with 3 pimp at the strip club owned by John Sit that she had orchestrated the murder of Hugh Ford and as well as a Kidnapping of another young woman. Perhaps she did tell the Peel Vice unit this, and they simply did not care.
Lola Gunchenko who made her first statement by video, tells Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 that she owed so much to Hugh Ford, for all that he did for her daughter when her daughter had run away from home in 2004. She praises him for the good that he did and how he put Darya Gunchenko on the right path in life. Darya had made positive changes in her appearance and behavior. towards herself and others. That he kept Darya Gunchenko safe and off the streets, and set strict rules that she had to abide by. Lola Gunchenko reveals that Her daughter Darya Gunchenko lied to Hugh Ford, and others. Claiming that she was abducted and forced to work in the strip club owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) by Dasha's then boyfriend / Pimp named "Jerry"
This was clearly not what the Peel Regional Police wanted to hear.

At Hugh Ford's first bail hearing, Lola also discussed the good that Hugh Ford had done for her daughter.

Once again, much to the anger of the Peel Regional Police Vice Unit, Hugh Ford was released on his second bail in late 2006 after Darya Gunchenko's claims. Peel Regional Police Vice Unit were looking for another means to have Hugh Ford arrested and placed back in jail.

March 2007
(Rajni "SONIA" Parmar & Trevor Mohammed)

Rajni Parmar (Sonia) - up until January of 2007 to March 2007, had been receiving phone calls from Cst. Jason Watson #1898 of the Peel Regional Police Vice unit. This being after she had been arrested at the HYPE Night Club in Brampton Ontario (Now called the Club On Queen)

On New Years Eve Night, the dancer attended the Night Club and became drunk. She claims that a another girl had come out of no where and slapped her in her mouth for no reason and then took off running.

The drunk Rajni Parmar, began to utter threats and curses and was in a drunken rage, whereby the Peel Regional Police were called to have her removed. She resisted and fought with the officers spitting in the officers face and kicking the officers, after being placed in the cruiser, she attempted to kick out the windows out of the car. She was beaten up during the altercation, and had bruising to match her statements.

She was taken to the Peel Regional Police Station 22 division and Charges were laid against her for Assaulting the Police Officers and uttering death threats while at HYPE Night Club. She given a promise to appear in court, and was also advised that she was required to sign in to the police station on a weekly basis, every Saturday between the hours of 9am and 9PM, reporting any changes in phone number or address to the Peel Regional Police.

After her stop at the Peel Regional Police 22 division, she was driven by two officers to a gas station in North Toronto where she was SERVED with papers on an existing and outstanding court matter regarding her boyfriend Andre Ashley and herself. She had also accused her boyfriend of horrific crimes, which she admitted were not true and did not want to attend the court matter.

During the time just before Christmas 2007 and shortly after New Years 2007, Rajni Parmar had lost all her friends as a result of her manipulation and lies. The room-mate she had and was pimping had taken off, due to Sonia's verbal abuse, her explosive and unstable behavior..from everything from smashing coffee tables to punching wholes in the walls of the tiny apartment, to breaking belongings that were of value to the room-mate

After New Years 2007 Celebration, "SONIA" found her way to Toronto to her semi-Ex Boyfriends apartment, Mr. Andre Ashley of Black Creek and Weston Road area, she was caught by the landlords of the apartment building writing a message on his door in her own blood, she wrote: "I love you, but you hate me" after being caught on the premises - to which she was not allowed, Sonia took off running, leaving the door to be cleaned by management.

Rajni Parmar admitted that she was angry that she did not have any friends anymore. Sonia claims she was contacted by telephone on several occasions by Peel Regional Police Officer Cst. Jason Watson #1898. Who advised her that she was too young to go to jail, and to take the offer in giving a statement against Hugh Ford..... Many times she declined the offer.

She continued to attend work at the strip club. She was met by Nicole Zammit, who had been recruited by Peel Vice Unit to talk to girls in the club and convince them to come on board, with the Peel Police and make a statement.

Rajni Parmar was given a story by Nicole Zammit (a waitress who also went by the name MISTIQUE), and believed what she was told. That the man named Hugh Ford had pimped her. Rajni Parmar ignored her and contacted a friend revealing what Nicole Zammit had said. She was upset and angry. Rajni Parmar was given the true details of the past between Hugh Ford and Nicole Zammit. When she saw Nicole Zammit in the club moment later, she revealed that she knew about the past. Sonia gave Nicole Zammit a play by play run down - exact to the letter "T" - in the truth behind the real meeting of events with Mr. Ford.

Nicole Zammit was shocked, broke down crying in front of Rajni Parmar and explained how the Peel Regional Police had come to her home in Georgetown Ontario, where she was found with a small little Grow Op operation taking place at her rented home. That she was given an option to give a statement which she did, and was promised that she could sell as much marijuana as she wanted without the fear of arrest. (This must have been a relief to Nicole Zammit, as she no longer had to fear anyone taking away her young daughter.)

Rajni Parmar was highly shocked that Nicole had broken down, in front of her in such a bad way, and knew that the Peel Police were now having girls "recruit" other Dancers within the clubs to go along with the story, and say that Hugh Ford was their pimp.

A few days later, Nicole Zammit was known for being a Police Informant and a lying snitch, she attended the Cannonball One (1) last time to clear out her belongings from the club. People reported that she looked heavily disheveled with bags under her eyes due to some possible high amounts of stress.


Within a few weeks after the Hype Night Club incident (now called The Club on Queen), Rajni Parmar was approached at the Cannonball Strip CLub, and advised she was no longer able to work at there and was also informed that if she returned on the Club property she would be arrested. That if she wanted to return to work she needed to contact the Peel Regional Police.

She tried to gain work at another club. She started working for a short while, within days she was approached again and, was told she was not allowed on the property. this happened at a few other clubs owned by Pok Hon Sit, also known as John Sit or John Sally. Finally with no where to work, and the pressure of her bills and the threat of going to jail for assaulting peel police officers and her upcoming court case with the semi-ex-boyfriend, she continued to receive friendly reminders of her situation by Cst. Jason Watson of the Peel Regional Police.

In an audio recording, the officers tells her that either he can be her best friend or he can be her worst nightmare, and he doesn't think she'll want that, so call him back....and so she did.

One of the conditions of Hugh Ford's bail, was not to have contact with adult entertainers,

After her discussion with Peel Police, Rajni Parmar arrived without permission or notice at the location that Hugh Ford
is staying under house arrest. Days later, he is arrested and advised he breached his bail condition, among that were more prostitution charges and theft of trevor mohammed's tools.

Trevor Mohammed
The Home Renovator - Theft Of Tools

Taken from an online post

With devious intentions repair man Trevor Mohammed teamed up with vice squad officer Jason Watson to administer a fictitious statement.

The repairman claimed the hacker (Hugh Ford) had stolen his repair tools. To add insult to injury the repair man Trevor Mohammed made a multitude of harassing and threatening phone calls to Gadget and his family, leaving threatening voicemail to scare the hacker.

The computer expert who was already on house arrest had drafted a contract with the repairman to do the work. Unbeknownst to Trevor Mohammed, all visits and conversations, like the Rajni Parmar and Darya Gunchenko meetings were video and audio taped, as this was the hackers customary way.

The repairman / con artist took monies for the repair job of 76 Corby. The house interior was demolished and left in disarray as the repairman then jetted out of town to the Barbados.

The job as stated in the video files was to be completed before Christmas of 2007. The Con man, Trevor Mohammed, returned months later without word and refused Gadget's calls. (A list of dates and times, videos and pics provided in the stream).

According to the videos released, Trevor Mohammed, a confessed Dead Beat Dad, wanted to take the job again only to get the remaining $3,000. of a $10,000 job. This being after and despite the fact that he had removed all the contents of Gadgets home, (all living room furniture, wall hangings, kitchen appliances, bedroom sets, etc) and placed them out in the front lawn and back yard of Gadget's home. This was all done in the middle of winter (see the photos marked Trevor's Mohammed’s Handy Work)

Audio clips found on the net show a clam Gadget asking the con man to put the contents back inside, where by after many excuses by the repairman, the task was never done. This ultimately led to the destruction of all the contents, and from what I've manage to gather, a far greater cost to replace than the $7000. that was taken by Trevor Mohammed.

After weeks of Trevor Mohammed disappearance, Gadget tells of how the locks were changed and the repairman had a key. Trevor Mohammed who was still a no show after many weeks, sneaks back to the repair site and tests the doors of the vacated home to find his key no longer works. This is where the con-man, Trevor Mohammed finally contacts Gadget and says he is now ready to finish the job.

What I find funny about this story, is that the repair man leaves his tools in the house without a word or whistle, and sneaks back to retrieve his abandoned tools. He is caught with a now dysfunctional key. It appears his only reason for returning was to take the tools and disappear like before.

From what I managed to further peace together from the files, is that Trevor Mohammed visits Hugh Ford and then tells him the cops have been following him and harassing him after leaving the job site one night. He states that he was "draped up" and questioned heavily about the why he was at the Hugh Ford home. The under cover cop placed Trevor Mohammed under arrest for non-payment of child support. Trevor states that he he had not been paying for several years, and was then hauled off to jail.

In a deal struck with Trevor Mohammed and Peel vice officer Jason Watson #1898, he gives a false statement which leads to the re-arrest of the computer hacker and then receives his tools back as a bona fide reward by Peel Regional Police Vice Unit.

This is the shortened and condensed story of Trevor Mohammed, The dead beat dad, and con artist repair man. Read the full story of Trevor Mohamed and join us in the Digital Fortress Chat Portal where you can download the full story, pics and more.


So? Would You Believe ............... An Ex-Con From Brampton?

Trevor Mohammed Breaks Verbal & Written Contract
Trevor Mohammed Removed All Household Furniture Puts In Front & Back Yard of Gadget Home
Gadget Tells Trevor Mohammed To Place Furniture Back Inside The House
Trevor Mohammed Refuses. Items Remain Outside Dec. 2006 Until March 2007
Trevor Mohamed Takes Off With Pay & Keys To Gadget's House & Leaving His Tools
Trevor Mohammed Re-Appears After A 2 Month Disappearance
With No Notice To Gadget Trevor Mohammed Tries To Access Gadgets Home With Keys.
Trevor Mohammed Finally Contacts Gadget, "I'm Here To Do Some Work....Now, I Need To Get In To Get My Tools.
Gadget Asks Trevor Mohammed To Remove The Damaged Household Contents That Were Placed Outside, Now Damaged.
Trevor Mohammed Tells Gadget That's Not His Job.
Gadget: There Is No More Job Trevor.
Gadget's Family Attempts To Take Tools To Police Station For Trevor Mohammed To Pick Up. Police Tells Family To Keep Tools for Storage & Leans Act As Renovator Defaulted On Contract.


Front Of House
76 Corby Crescent
Brampton Ontario
Back Of House

Trevor Mohammed Says: I'm Gonna Call The City For The Items In Front and Back Yard Of Your Home. (The Same Contents Trevor Mohammed Put There Himself)
Trevor Mohammed Says: I'm Gonna Have You Charged With Theft
Trevor Mohammed Says: I'm Gonna Put A Lean On Your Uncle's House
Trevor Mohammed Says: I'm Calling The Police And They Are Gonna Drag You Down In The Streets
Trevor Mohammed Meets Peel Regional Police Vice Officer Cst. Jason Watson #1898
Trevor Mohammed / Cst. Jason Watson #1898: "I Finished The Repair Job. Gadget Threatened Me. Gadget Refuses To Return My Tools. Gadget Did Not Pay Me And I Completed The Job".
Charges Laid Against Gadget For Theft.
Trevor Mohammed - You Tube Video

In March 2007, Peel Regional Police arrived at the location in Brampton Ontario, where Hugh Ford resided while being under house arrest. This now being the third arrest. He was arrested on more prostitution related charges regarding Rajni Parmar, Breach of Recognizance of bail, as Rajni Parmar went to his location and attempted to see him on her own, and for the theft of Trevor Mohammed's tools.

In Rajni Parmar's statements to Peel Regional Police vice unit officer Cst. Jason Watson, just hours before returning to work in the Brampton Strip CLubs owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) she claims that she met Hugh Ford when she was a minor and was also prostituting to support her Crack Cocaine addiction.

Her statements heavily flawed, as one of the advantages of having a criminal record, is that the justice system has a "eye on you and keeps a running tab" on the time you've spent in jail. and WHERE you were jailed. And meeting Mr. Ford when she claims that she did, is a not only far fetched, but easly proven in court to be anoter lie, unless the courts try to suggest there's an error in Mr. Ford's record.

In addition other sources can easily verify where Rajni Parmar was at the times she claims she met Mr. Ford .

Rajni Parmar is well known to both the Toronto Police and The Peel Regional Police. She has also been known to be mentally unstable. doctors have tried to find the problems with her instability, She often uses "un prescribed" drugs to cope with her instabilities and behavioral problems.


2008 - 2009 & GOING
Before the Preliminary Inquiry Began..
More Harassment By Peel Regional Police While Hugh Ford Was In Jail

MID 2008

Almost 2 years after the arrest of Hugh Ford, Cst. Jason Watson #1898 and Cst. Mike Viozzi #1897 (the arresting / investigating officers), took time out of their busy schedule to drive to Milton Ontario to see Hugh Ford at the Maplehurst Complex. They inquired with him to ask why he was taking so long to bring his case before a judge.

It was asked of him, if he was trying to go for 2 for 1 (double time) before he was found guilty in a court of law, and the officers suggested that was a really good plan.

Hugh Ford responded that he was thinking to book surgery for his leg, and would possibly miss the upcoming court date which would unfortunately delay the start of the preliminary inquiry.

Much to Cst. Jason Watson's distress, he sputtered "But I'll be on vacation!"

Hugh Ford responded, "that's too bad, try wearing Orange for a change."

A Maplehurst Supervisor / Guard, who witnessed the intrusion, asked the officers to leave.

Canada's Modern Day Lynching Of A Black Man By Peel Regional Police & Courts, Continued..


Crown Council Aimee Goutier
Asks the Judge, for Cst. Jason Watson #1898 The Arresting / Investigating Officer to Sit At The Crown's Table While Her Witnesses (victims) Testify During The Prelim. This Goutier, Claims Is To Allow Her To Seek Guidance From Cst. Jason Watson #1898 As To Which Questions Are Appropriate To Allow or Deny From The Defence. The Judge Tells Aimee Goutier NOooo.

Peel Regional Police Make The Gunchenko Case A High Profile Case

Peel Regional Police Place Extra Security At Courtroom Door. People Are To Be Wanded and Made To Dump Their Wallet & Bag Contents In A Bin. The extra **Security** Provided For The Crown's Star Witness Darya Gunchenko. The same Darya Gunchenko, Who Tried To Murder Hugh Ford.

Peel Regional Police Haul A Black Man Out of Court & Threaten Him With Arrest Moments After Taking A Seat At The Gadget Trial Which Is Open To The Public. The Peel Police Demanded That The Black Man Show His ID, Then Peel Police Run The Young Mans Name Through The System. .....After The Man Leaves The Courts.

Darya Gunchenko Confirms: I Tried To Have Hugh Ford MURDERED And Tried To KIDNAP Rajni Parmar.

Police Now Protect A Murderer & Kidnapper...No Charges Laid On Gunchenko To Date.

Darya Gunchenko On Tape Divulges She Had Sex With An Guy She Met In The Club owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit). Darya Gunchenko Goes Into Detail That Afterwards The Guy Tells Her It's Ok And Not To Worry, HE'S A COP. Darya Gunchenko Is Under Age At The Time.

Darya Gunchenko claims she has problems remembering the past.,that her psychiatrist advised her that this was due to the traumatic experience and her brain is blocking out the events to protect her. Darya Gunchenko goes on to further advise that her psychiatrist does not work out of an office, but rather a storefront location, and does not hold a degree, Darya Gunchenko reveals the psychiatrist read her palms to provide her with this information and to help with her treatments.

Hooker Rajni Parmar Runs Out Of Court To Avoid Cross Examination.

Peel Police Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 Did Not File The Search Warrant Return List in 2006 For Items Seized, But ..W....A...I....T....S . . 2 Years,....And Then Files It To The Courts In The Fall Of ..2 0 0 8. only when it was asked for.

To Say "Gadget Had The Gun"

Photo of Gadget holding a paint gun, clearly marked as for not being real is submitted to the Defence in the poorest of poorest quality as a bad photocopy could be.

This To Show Gadget is seen with a gun. It Is Revealed that the gun is not real, and a copy of the photo can be readily provided in its true details - the photo taken from Gadget Acting Portfolio Crown Council claims she's not a gun expert. and to date Hugh Ford Has Not Heard About The Paint Gun Photo Since Then.

Items Seized By Peel Regional Police Still Can Not Be Located. "Evidence" Against Gadget Is Brought In To Court In A Cardboard Box By Cst. Mark Dapat #1919: Gloves? What Gloves? .... Cst. Mark Dapat #1919: Nobody Used Any Gloves When Collecting Evidence. All items originally sealed in plastic bags arrive to court packages torn open.

Peel Regional Police officers advised after 3 years, a number of the computers were never checked, and No items were fingerprinted.

Arrangements Being Made To Return All Computer Equipment Taken in 2006

Cst. Mike Viozzi #1897 of the Peel Regional Police Vice Unit Claim The Numbers On Evidence Bags Are Not Used, and Claims He's Not Sure Why There Are Numbers On The Bags To Begin With, As They Have Never Been Any Use When Collecting Evidence In The Past.

Peel Police Cst. Jason Watson #1898 Takes The Stand, and Just Can't Seem To Remember Anything.

Peel Regional Police Vice Officer Cst. Jason Watson #1898 The Officer In Charge Of The Gunchenko Case Demands Legal Representation On His Next Return To Court In 2009.

  The Pre - lynching Continued  
  Early 2009


The Return Of Cst. Jason Watson #1898 After He'd Demanded A Lawyer On His Last Visit at court in 2008. Cst. Jason Watson #1898 Takes The Stand .....alone.

Crown Council Aimee Goutier covers for Cst. Jason Watson #1898, stating it was she who recommended the officer seek legal council, instead of the original demands by Cst. Jason Watson #1898

Cst. Jason Watson #1898 And The Pink Wallet
Cst. Jason Watson is asked to go through the contents of the pink wallet taken from Gadget's home
A wallet belonging to "Tracy Adams" (alias) Real Name: Lisa Manwarren - The Peel Police Informant.
Drugs Fall Out of the wallet into Cst. Jason Watson's Lap.

Cst. Jason Watson #1898 confirms the vice unit ultimately has a say, Who The Brampton Strip Clubs (owned by John Sit) Hire And Who The Strip Clubs Fire.

Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 confirmed the trespass notice which was handed out to dancers, which was used in preventing strip club dancers from working had the Peel Regional Police Vice Unit Number and Extension on the form, Dancers would have used to contact Police to "Clear Things Up" (or give fake statements) in order to return back to work.

Crown Council changes her mind when it comes to returning the computer equipment

Cst. Jason Watson #1898 confirms they are aware Darya Gunchenko went back work in the adult clubs, after she made a statement against Hugh Ford. Darya Gunchenko was under aged at the time.

3 Officers Subpoenaed to court to testify, and talk about their encounter with Hugh Ford and the Criminal Activity that they were witness to, which was used to help support the "No Knock" Search Warrant that Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 obtained in September, 2006

1. Cst. Kyle Binkley
2. Cst. David Lang
3. Cst. Jason Schwartz

Activity / Encounter #1 by Cst. David Lang:
Claims Gadget Was Speeding at night and he gave him a ticket. Gadget showed him his in-car video system and explained how it worked.
Gadget disputed the ticket, Cst. David Lang did not show up in court to fight the ticket.

Activity / Encounter #2 by Cst. Kyle Binkley:
Subpoenaed to come to court and bring his notes,
Cst. Kyle Binkley comes to court and brings no notes

Activity / Encounter # 3 by Cst. Jason Schwartz:
Gadget was driving at night, straddled 2 lanes, and made a U-Turn right in front of him. Thought Gadget had been drinking and was given breath test, Gadget scored 0.

John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) owner of the 4 Brampton strip clubs (Cannonball Cabaret, The Million Dollar Saloon, New Locomotion Strip Club, Midway Invader Strip Club), reveals when probed by Crown Council Aimee Goutier, that he had problems in early 2000 - 2001 with Peel Regional Police, as the same groups of officers were raiding his clubs and harassing his customers at his establishments. Mr. John Sit Claims filed a lawsuit against the Peel Regional Police, When asked by Crown Council the outcome of the case, John Sit replied "He Won"

Det. Randy Cowan #1195 says he doesn't know why he went to The New Locomotion Strip Club with Cst. Jason Watson #1898 to seek out Tracy Adams in 2006 Tracy Adams aka LISA MANWARREN, who afterwards became The Peel Regional Police Informant

Det. Randy Cowan #1195 Says he doesn't know who provided him with any of his information that he received in 2006.
Information which was also then used with the media, which would also included newspapers that printed the story on Gadget. Click To View Article Here

Det. Randy Cowan #1195 claims that he is "Concerned" that it had been reported that his Boys had forgotten to include items (4example: THE PINK WALLET) that were seized in a search warrant, which was secured by Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 from JP Spadafora.

Det. Randy Cowan #1195 was promoted to Sgt., and did suggests that his Boys may need retraining in regards to that type of error.

A Surprise Witness

Surprise Witness

A man, in jail and charged with MURDER
Tells how he was hand picked, then pressured, to get a gathering of inmates together to do whatever violence the could in an attack on Gadget, based on more false information that was supplied to him on a daily basis.

**A New Plot to M U R D E R Hugh Ford Begins To Unfold.

Question: .Do You Recall Who..... Donald Bijowski is?

Donald Bijowski Maplehurst Guard fired and charged for violence on inmates in maplehurst Complex linked to the Hugh Ford Case. Article by Toronto Star Reporter Bob Mitchell Staff Reporter (LINK)

Lola Gunchenko Is Subpoenaed To Court

Lola Gunchenko
Darya Gunchenko

Lola Gunchenko, mother of Darya Gunchenko is served a subpoena

Lola Gunchenko claims she does not speak english and needs an Russian Interpreter,
Lola Gunchenko's Video Statement with Cst. Sean Gormley #2544 in 2006 was conducted all in English And Viewed at Court
Lola Gunchenko Reports that she does not want her memory refreshed in any way pertaining as to what she said in the past with any of Gadget's Audio Tapes
Lola Gunchenko claims her opinions of Gadget have now changed, based On What her daughter Darya Gunchenko told Her

Darya Gunchenko:
Who Lied To Gadget
Who Lied To Her Mother
Who Lied To Her Friends
Who Lied In Her Statements
Who Lied Under Oath.
And Plotted The MURDER of Hugh Ford With 3 Pimps
Yet Still No Charges Laid On Darya Gunchenko To Date..

Lola Gunchenko Continues In Court
September 1, 2009
10 AM
Room 306 / 304 (Unless Moved)
Brampton Court House
7755 Hurontario Street,
Brampton Ontario



The Roll Of John Sit - Pok Hon Sit
  The Newspaper Article Posted all over the clubs, in girls change room, in the kitchen, on the front doors, in the hallways of the four (4) clubs owned by John Sit (Pok Hon Sit) Dancers were threatened with promises of termination if they were caught removing the article by all management staff.

Posting copies of the newsprint, it was said to set a statement for all who entered the clubs about the Satellite Repair Man, and remained on the walls for over 3 months.

Managers and staff of John Sit were advised by him, that the man was a pimp. this being from information Sit received by the Peel Regional Police.

In court, John Sit, attitude changed drastically from early days of 2006, he now denies that Hugh Ford is a pimp, unless proven in court. (nice save) and also that Hugh Ford has only been banned from all his establishments if arrested or convicted for a crime at one of his clubs, standard practice he claims and could return if deemed the allegations proven false.

John Sit states he went to see the Peel Regional Police vice unit officers with his lawyer in 2007 and drafted the Trespass Notice.

Peel Regional Police have denied knowing anything about the Trespass Notice, although it has the number on the form and extension for Dancers to contact if served with the paper, in order to be able to "Clear Things UP" and return to work at the clubs, seemingly to be run by Peel Vice Unit.

John Sit, Strip Club Owner, briefly went into the businesses he ownes in Nova Scotia. and explained he is also engaged in another legal battle with managers who had been terminated from the clubs that he owned.


Nearly Shot By Peel Regional Police:
Oops Wrong Guy

In The Hopes That Hugh Ford Would Breached His Bail, As A Means To Have Him Arrested & Bail Revoked.

Peel Regional Police heavily monitored the location of 76 Corby Crescent, for a glimmer and glimpse of Hugh Ford returning to his home . This would have been a direct violation of his bail conditions and a great opportunity to have the man they desperately sought to have back in jail.

One sunny afternoon, a man arrived into the vicinity of McMurchy and Queen, and proceeded to drive to the house. The man was black and drove a nice car.

To make matters worse, he entered the house with keys as if he lived there. A short while later, the man exited and left the residence. without much thought to his well being.

In a horrific turn of events, the man was rushed by several under cover Peel Regional Police and The intersection where he was stopped had now been blocked with SWAT cars.

The "Nice Car" had been cut off by the tactical van in the process, leaving front end damage to his BMW. .As the officers jumped out of their vehicles, guns drawn at the temple of the man's head, as he was threatened and ordered to exit the vehicle.

Peel Regional Police pointing guns believed that this was Hugh Ford.

After realizing their horrendous mistake on the part of the Peel Regional Police, they offer an apology to Hugh's Uncle before speeding off, and offer to pay for the damages of his car - by way of letter.

According to Det. Randy Cowan #1195, these were not his usual officers, they were part of a "Special Unit" that did not know what Mr. Ford Looked like.

Another Sad Case of Poor Mistaken Identity On The Behalf of Peel Regional Police.



Cst. Jason Watson #1898 talked about the meetings with Tamara Cherry Toronto Sun Media Reporter, who has written a whole series on Human Trafficking and cases by Peel Regional Police Vice Unit.
Tamara Cherry gifted with an award from Peel Regional Police for stories sponsored by Peel Vice Unit.
Cst. Jason Watson #1898 confirms the vice unit invited and sat with Tamara Cherry many times to discuss
Cst. Jason Watson feels that the girls should tell their stories in the News paper.

One such story is "Tina The Sex Slave" and "Tina Slave To A Pimp", which again, shortly after statements to police, Tina is sponsored back into the life of prostitution with the help of Peel Regional Police. And has been seen selling sex on The Craig's List Web site for the Mississauga / Airport area.

Tina The Sex Slave (Real Name: Melissa Tremblet of Mississauga, Ontario) is not related to the Gadget Story

Links To Other Tamara Cherry Stories (Coming Soon)



Photo Pam Douglas - The Brampton Guardian
Article Written by Pam Douglas and Det. Randy Cowan Peel Regional Police
2006 Article




Story of Const. Jason Watson - The Hugh Ford Case